






DD's Diary 2004

Enter at your own peril... Updated every Friday!!



September 6th, 2004
OMG!! Power outages are totally lamerz... -____-

Hey it's DD. Right when I got home from school, the power went out and I missed ALL of Toonami! OMGWTFBBQ!
Luckily I was able to call Joey with our cell phone and ask him to tape it for me (he still had power where he was, LUCKY...), and he did, so he'll give me the tape at school on Monday.

So, no Toonami talk this week...
We only just got power back a little while ago and I wanna get to doing some other stuff so this week's update will be brief.

I saw Yu-Gi-Oh! last Saturday, and OMG! Yugi beat Yami Marik, and saved the original Marik too! I never thought I'd seethe day. I first got into YGO right before Battle City started, and it took a looooong time to finally get to this point. Between Battle City, the Noah virtual world stuff, and then finally these final duels at the tower...
Yugi now has all the Egyptian God Cards, and learned the secret from Marik's back. :O
... But then Kaiba decided to BLOW UP THE TOWER! O_o
Kaiba's so crazy, lmao... XD;;
The ship's engines are busted and the explosion is coming up, so we'll see what happens to the gang next week...

Anyway, guess that's all the anime TV talk this time.
School's been okay. More of the usual. Had Monday off because of Labor day, so that was cool. (spent the day watching some old Pokemon tapes and trying out drawing some DBZ characters :P )

Hopefully I'll have more to report next week!
DD out!

Today's Music: Donkey Kong 64 Monkey Rap! XD
