






DD's Summer Diary 2004

Enter at your own peril...


Hi, I'm DD!
Just a kid on vacation. I like cartoons on TV and video games, duh.

Updated every Friday!!



June 14th, 2004
Update 4 already. Has it really been 4 weeks? @_@

I beat Wind Waker again the other day! A lot of fun as usual, and the final boss is always super EPIC! B) I guess that's all there is to say about that. XD So I've been doing more Sonic Heroes! Does anyone else think the levels in this game are REALLY long? O_o I'm doing Team Dark and the levels go on 4EVER! :/ It's also really hard, but I've never been that good at Sonic so it's w/e, rofl.

TV has been kewl as usual. Last week's Yu-Gi-Oh continued Yugi and Kaiba's duel. The god cards finally came out at the end!! Slifer vs. Obelisk!! They left off on a cliffhanger, but I kinda see how the next ep is gonna go, since Yugi put that Pot of Greed face down... If he flips it on Obelisk's attack and increases his hand to four... well, if you know, you know. XDD

Talked on the phone with Joey again earlier this week, and we're FINALLY gonna meet up tomorrow!! He's gonna be spending the night so we're gonna PARTAY all Saturday! We're gonna meet up at the Yu-Gi-Oh day at Books-a-million and then he'll come over to my house after. Man, we'll probably be there a bit playing Yu-Gi-Oh with the other kids... I'm so bad at it though. I haven't even gotten packs in a while, so I'm gonna get pwned if I try to play with those older nerds... -___-
But ANYWAY, I got these last few weeks of Toonami all taped and I'm definitely gonna show him! He NEEDS to finally see all this kewl new anime!! (his family won't let him have the TV on Friday so he's gonna be depending a lot on my tapes -_-;; )

Anyway, guess I should talk about today's new Toonamis. :P
This week's Sailor Moon is definitely my fav so far!! The villains were using a fake radio show to get the energy from all the girls who listened by sending them some ebil flowers o_o; Usagi got this new transformation pen to sneak in as a radio lady and deal with it!! :O It was the first time she came face to face with the big main villain servant (Jadeite), and he's actually pretty strong and can stop her boomerang attack. Tuxedo Mask stopped him for now, but I doubt it's the last we'll see of him, heehee. BTW, speaking of this Tuxedo guy, I'm pretty sure he's that smart alek guy Usagi keeps bumping into right? It'll be awkward if they ever find out who they are... XD Though, Usagi basically doesn't look different as Sailor Moon, so maybe he already knows... (EDIT: after skimming what the Tvtome people are saying, he doesn't know yet. Hmm.....)

DBZ Kai was wild training stuff, and a lot of new (??) characters. The Tvtome people started putting together a FAQ thread to fill people in on stuff, and I basically figured out all these new people were from the old Dragon Ball. I basically get the idea, but it's weird that they never did an English version of the old Dragon Ball. (apparently the beginning ran on syndacation in the early 90's? But not many saw before DBZ happened)
I will say it jumped forward in time a lot, since Gohan's gone full Tarzan now (BTW WTF was that big monkey transformation...?. Guess destroying the moon dealt with it tho. o_o; ) And Goku reached the end of Snake Way and has to train with a weird joke man...

Naruto was wacky! XD We got to see more of the classmates who became ninjas but Naruto basically spent the ep trying to mess with le popular boy Sasuke (COOL dude compared to these other kids BTW) because Sakura the girl he likes only cares about him. It got REALLY silly when Naruto transformed into Sasuke but had to keep going to the bathroom thanks to expired milk... XD;; (I did NOT expect potty humor in a show like this, but at least it wasn't that gross... O_o)

So that was all fun, rofl. Super excited to finally show these shows to Joey with my tapes this weekend. That reminds me, we gotta finally decide on game stuff!! I mentioned it last week, but he really wants me to get Megaman Red Sun (he's getting the Blue Moon game), but I wanna get Zelda Four Sword Adventure so we can play on the TV.... -__- Mom said I can only get one game this month, and I can't decide because Joey has to get his Megaman in my face!!

That REMINDS me, I actually saw the newest Megaman on Kids WB last week after Yu-Gi-Oh. It used to be on before Yu-Gi-Oh last month, but my sister always wanted to watch Kirby instead so I never saw it, rofl. (that reminds me, my sister was RAGING at Pokemon going back to reruns. XD welcome to TV land, sis. We drown in reruns. roflcopter!)
Anyway, I did see some of this Megaman NT Warrior show back when it first came out, so I got the basics (guy has a little computer program friend Megaman who battles bad viruses) but I'm definitely lost on what's going on overall. But the ep was neat I guess... A virus named Freezeman was making the city freeze and stuff through these new electric penguin things everyone was buying, til he got beat. :O

Anyway, I just dunno... Zelda or Megaman...? >_<
(BTW, Nintendo should make a Zelda anime!! They already did Kirby after all...)

That's all for this week. L8r sk8rs!!
DD out! B)

Today's Music: Power Plant from Sonci Heroes!!
