






Diary Archive


June 7th, 2004
Week 3 is here!
Is it me, or is it already way too hot this summer? -___- I've been cooped up at home all week and haven't done much. I'm nearing the end of my Wind Waker replay and have been playing other games too inbetween (Sonic Heroes is epic!) B)

I talked to Joey (my irl buddy) on the phone the other day about last week's new Yu-Gi-Oh eps... JOEY (the character) DESERVED BETTER! Like... it was a crazy ep, but he really almost beat Marik. I guess I shouldn't say too much, if the people readin' aren't keeping up with the newest eps and don't want spoilerz, but man... What a cool duel. And all the stuff after was so sad... ;_; But now Yugi and Kaiba have started their duel, and it's already crazy! (Enemy Controller and all the card swapping back and forth was so silly, rofl. Kaiba's desperate. XD )
Speaking of which, it was so dumb I had to wake up extra early on Saturday just to watch YGO. >:( The new eps were at 8 instead of 11 because of some dumb thing they were showing later... -__- Oh well, being up that early meant I got to see Shaman King on the FoxBox for once. That show has always looked cool but I never got to see it much at first because it was always on at the same time as Pokemon Advanced (my lil sis would DESTROY me if I made her miss an ep -_-), and now it's usually on really early when I wanna sleep... :/ Still, lately I've gotten to see it sometimes, but since I miss a lot of eps there's a lot I don't know, lol. I think it's on reruns right now anyway so whatevs.
Anyway, YGO is back at 11 tomorrow morning (make up your mind WB!), so I'll be able to sleep in like usual. ^_^

BUT ANYWAY, you aren't here for my Saturday morning ramblez, you're here for TOONAMI! And oh boy, these three shows continue to be winners!

I will say, today's Sailor Moon and Naruto had some, UH.... NAUGHTY moments??? o///o I can't BELIEVE Cartoon Network got away with airing some of this in the middle of the afternoon! In SM, all these dudes were getting hypnotized by a fortune teller and causing trouble! During this, Umeno flipped up the teacher's skirt, and it totally showed her underwear!!! O_O I think I went "OMG!" out loud! XD
Plus in Naruto, Naruto went around with this super important kid trying to teach him the Sexy Jutsu. At one point they even went to look at naughty magazines!! (reminded me of the Ed Edd n Eddy where Eddy flipped out about hiding his secret magazines, lmao) And don't even get my started about when Naruto combined the Sexy and Clone jutsus... >///<

On the other side of things Dragon Ball Z Kai was all action... So much that, uh, the main character died... In Episode 3??? O_O I skimmed the Tvtome thread and several people weren't surprised (a lot of them saw the syndicated version in the 90's, plus the people who looked at the fansubber stuff). But apparently the beam going through Goku was censored back in the old eng version of Z, and everyone was surprised it was kept. Actually a lot of the replies on Tvtome have people being surprised that the Toonami shows have basically been uncut besides making the intros and stuff shorter. :O

But just watching the shows, I can tell this is kinda true... This block is really taking a shot at the Saturday morning block animes that I hear always censor a lot of stuff out that was in the JP versions... We might be entering a new era of anime on TV, guys... :D

BTW, Naruto's intro is super kewl!
I wanna Rocks!!! B)

Anyway, that's all for those shows I guess. I saw lotsa commercials for Zelda Four Swords Adventures, which is coming out next week I think. I don't think I'll be able to get it right away. I also gotta get link cables for my GBA to do the cool features in it. Joey thinks it looks kinda lame but idk, it could be fun!! I gotta invite him over once I get it so we can both play it.
Speaking of GBA Joey's been goin on about the Megaman games again, there's some new ones coming in a few weeks that are being released in a two-version way like Pokemon, with a Red Sun game and Blue Moon game. (Think they're clever, huh? XD)
I've never played them before but he keeps telling me they're kewl stuff. I saw a kid at school playing one of them one time like a year ago, but it looks kinda weird. They fight on some grid thingy. O_o
Anyway, I can't get that AND Zelda from the store this month, but Joey's begging me to get the one he isn't so we can trade... It's Pokemon all over again!!
I just really like Zelda, man... Even if it's a sprite side game I wanna trying playing the Four Swords Adventure with him. :/

Anyway, I've done enough ramblez today, so I should end this here.

Til next time! DD signing out. ^_^

Today's Music: Dragon Roost Island from Wind Waker
May 31st, 2004
It's new posting time!! :D
I'm DD back with more rambles, lmao. Wow, I'm starting to feel like a real "blogger" or whatever now... (Joey said I should just start a livejournal but nah, making my own website is way more fun! -_-)

Man, it's already been a week since summer break started... I've been lazing around at home everyday. xD;
I decided to start a new playthrough of Legend of Zelda the Wind Waker! I'm just in a Zelda mood lately. :)
I heard that a new Gamecube Zelda is coming out soon called Four Sword Adventures. it's apparently a 2D sprite Zelda though, which is weird that it's on Gamecube and not GBA... :/
Anyway, it can apparently do multiplayer so if I get it later I'll probably call Joey over and we can both play it.
SPEAKING OF WHICH, I went to the party for Joey's sister and we went to see Shrek 2. It was okay... Like I said last week, I got kinda tired of Shrek, but at least this is a new movie. It's whatever. The stuff on TV is way more fun...

SPEAKING OF WHICH... I should get on to the main attraction!!

WOW... This new Toonami thing is way cool!!!
The way the bumpers have this cool TOM robot in this spaceship that he plays the shows from is really pretty unique.
As for the shows, WOW!! I'm impressed... Maybe I'm just used to a lot of edited for TV stuff, but they got away with a lot, and even showed some of the Japanese theme songs!

Sailor Moon was cool. I wasn't sure what to think for a bit. It's very girly (of course), and had that silly stuff about shopping and jewelry, but once the moon cat gave Usagi her powers and she went and fought the monster lady, it was really neat! It actually reminds me of Cardcaptors in a lot of ways. I feel like there's a lot of mystery (that sunglasses guy has to be the Tuxedo guy, right?), and the villains are cool and also mysterious. I'll enjoy keeping up with it! I see a lot of pictures of 5 sailor girls around the net, but the intro only had 3 of them, hmm...

As for DBZ Kai, that was a lot! I did remember reading from the anime peeps on Tvtome that there is a series before it just called Dragon Ball, but apparently Z is the more popular thing over here... (both the old 90's version, and this Kai version). Still, I think I was able to follow along well enough. Goku's gotta team up with his arch enemy Picollo to beat Goku's alien brother Raditz who's trying to kill everyone on the Earth to sell it.... O_O;;
The two eps were really cool, and I'm excited to see how the battle goes next time...

Naruto was also very cool with its whole ninja school thing! Naruto himself is such a little prankster though. (Sexy jutsu, wtf!! o///o) Still, poor kid though, he was being ignored all his life because of the giant fox that got sealed in him as a baby. :( Iruka Sensei is such a cool guy man... He's strict but really stood by Naruto. I'm curious to see where things go from here now that Naruto got the headband and is gonna be a ninja!

Overall I'm super impressed by Toonami!! A lot of the anime peeps have been hyping these shows up for a long time, so it's cool they get to be on TV together! I guess you can consider me a fan, lol. Spending tte summer following these shows sounds like a good plan after all. xD

So with that being said, I figured I'd tweak my site a bit and make an episode guide!! (I got the descriptions from the TV guide, lmao.) Also yes, I could cheat and look up the ep names from the JP version (or the 90's version in the case of Sailor Moon and DBZ) like the guys on Tvtome do, but this is MY website, and I say details of the New American Broadcast only!! It's how I'm watching it after all! I don't want too many spoilerz anyway. :P

You know, Joey and I actually used to write up episode lists and guides like this too when we first got into Yu-Gi-Oh!, it was a lot of fun! :)
Speaking of Yu-Gi-Oh!, there's two new eps again tomorrow morning, but last Saturday was CRAZY!! Joey (the YGO character not my friend rofl) is dueling Yami Marik, who just whipped out the Winged Dragon of Ra Phoenix Mode! O_O And I thought the ball thing was weird, lol. That card has way too many special abilities. XD So anyway I always wanna root for Joey, but man I feel like it's gotta come down to Yami Yugi vs. Yami Marik at the end so idk... It's a Shadow Game too, so I hope Joey doesn't end up like Mai did... :( Anyway, I look forward to seeing how it ends tomorrow!!

So anyway, this has become a loooong post. (last week's is now moved to the archive BTW!) So I'm gonna end it here for now. Probably gonna go shower then play a little more Wind Waker before bed. (the Forest Haven dungeon is kinda annoying rofl)

This is DD signing out! :)

Today's Music: Moonlight Legend from Sailor Moon... ;)
May 24th, 2004
My first ever entry on my summer diary... man what do I even say? XD

My mom has been bugging be sooo much to do something productive this summer, so I said I'll manage a blog thingy. She had no idea what I was talking about, but when I said it's like a summer journal she seemd satisfied... -_-

So uh... I'm DD (pronounced Double Dee! Like the EEE character!!). I really like watching cartoons on TV, especially action shows and anime stuff. So guess what, I only really learned ABOUT anime a year or two ago from my good buddy Joey who started going nuts when he found out there were Yu-Gi-Oh episodes out in Japan that haven't been on KidsWB yet. XD
But knowing about anime now has been cool, especially since I grew up watching stuff like Pokemon and Digimon... That stuff always seemed different, and I can kinda see it now.

SO, why am I talking about anime? Lemme tell ya. So there I was watching Cartoon Network when there's this commercial for a new block starting next week called Toonami. It has three shows on its lineup thats got people over on tvtome going bananas! (Tvtome's a website I look at that has a bunch of TV nerds on it, rofl!)

So apparently it's Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball Z Kai, and Naruto. I looked up a bit about them on Tvtome. Sailor Moon aired in the 90's. I was too little but I doubt I really saw it... It was syndacation so it wasn't on the regular channels like Cartoon Network or KidsWB. BUT, what Toonami is apparently gonna show is a new version done by Viz Communications (the people that did the Pokemon VHS tapes), and it's gonna be super faithful to the JP ver. (unlike the old one, and other shows that try to make things more "American" lol)
Dragon Ball Z Kai is like, a digipaint remake of a similar older show, and got really popular when people were making fansubs of it the past couple of years... (hardcore anime nerd stuff, idk) Same with Naruto. The anime people went nuts when it was suddenly announced that would be airing on Cartoon Network lol. Viz is doing that show too btw.
DBZK is a different company, it's the same people who did a syndication version in the 90's, but just like Sailor Moon this is a new version, but this one is a digipaint remake or w/e. (I barely even know what digipaint is, I'm just saying what the anime nerds have said! lol) The old show (just called Dragon Ball Z) got kinda popular when it aired, but it apparently never finished, so a lot of the watchers back then got burned. A lot of people started doing the fansub thing to see what happened next, and then when the digipaint Kai version came out in Japan even more started doing that. XD

Anyway, I think they look cool. I never saw the old versions (or watched any fansub things), but they look like cool shows, and if the Tvtome peeps are hyping it up I'll definitely watch. It's gonna air every Friday so I figure it'll give me something to talk about since I'm just gonna be chillin at home all summer, lmao. I might mention other shows too if I feel like it (YGO's getting crazy! :O ).

Joey sounded excited too but his family likes to use the TV a lot on Friday so he may not get to watch... I better ask for some blank tapes and record the shows so we can watch what he missed. I'll probably see him a lot this summer. XD
(Joey isn't his real name BTW. I use fake names on here, so I call him Joey after the YGO character, since he's way into YGO!)

Anyway, that's enough about TV for now... Today was the last day of school, and oh man am I glad to be done with that. -_- Some of my teachers were cool but man are these classes boooring. School is just kinda dumb in general, don't you think? They always go on about school pride yadda yadda, but I just don't care... :/ "Let's go Deers!" WHY is the school mascot a deer? People look so silly wearing those antler things, lol.
I can keep ranting, but I'll stop. School is done, it's behind us... Middle school is so weird. -_-
YAY summer vacation!!

oh yeah, Joey's little sister is graduating elementary school so they're throwing a party for her next week. I'll probably go, but I heard they're gonna go see Shrek 2. Ugh, I'm kinda sick of Shrek... The first movie was on TV all the time, and when they started showing it at school on movie day I was so over it, rofl.
I mean it's fine, I guess. It's not a BAD movie. Well, whatever...

This diary is going on a little long, so I'll end it here. I'll be talking about the new Cartoon Network anime next week!
Tune in next time!!! ^_^

Signed, DD

Today's Music: 2BA Master by Pokemon peeps... B-)
