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August 16th, 2004
Hey everyone, it's DD. =__=

I'm feeling wistful... it's my last weekend of summer break. Just when it feels like Summer's gonna last forever, the cruel reality of school comes and pulls you right back in. At least I'll get to see my friends every day, but all the annoying people, snobby preps, and pushy teachers are gonna be a pain. @__@

Well, I shouldn't ramble too much here! Last weekend was EPIC!! I had to do my update from Joey's house, but you know we did all kinds of stuff after that. He showed me his .hack (that's how you actually spell dot hack) game, and a tape of some eps of the show, and it's really cool. I think I wanna get it now... o_o
Looking around online I found out that there's another .hack show called SIGN and it has lots of DVD's out from Bandai. Hmm... I haven't bought many DVD's before. (I got lots of VHS tapes though.) With all the kewl anime maybe I should start looking into stuff more. I looked into Cartoon Network's super late night stuff some more after learning about the .hack show from Joey, and I found a few others that they show really late at night. I caught an episode of this thing called Case Closed about this super expert detective guy who I guess is a kid and helps solve murders. O_o
They also have this show called Inuyasha which I did actually hear about but didn't pay much attention because it looked weird, but now I think it looks like it might be cool...
I'm too deep into anime lately... @___@;

ANYWAY, I guess I should talk about Toonami! (yeah, more anime, roflcopter)
Today's two Sailor Moons were more of the usual. Nephrite is cursing objects and causing people to go crazy. o_o First ep had some weird bride contest, and the later ep had some photographer guy. Amusing stuff, lol. :P Naruto was epic this week, since Naruto and the gang had to.... TAKE A TEST! XD It wasn't a normal test since it's uber hard and they had to cheat and get the info to pass it, but Naruto hasn't figured that out and is freaking out... XD;; It was cool seeing everyone use their unique powers to get test answers, rofl.
Lastly DBZ Kai was cool. We got to see Vegeta get to a space base and get healed up and learn that the big boss Frieza is going to Namek to get the dragon balls too, so he heads there right away... o_o; Gohan, Krllin, and Bulma get to Namek just in time to see Vegeta arrive too. Looks like this trip isn't gonna be as easy as they thought. :P

So that's that. I watched Yu-Gi-Oh with Joey last Saturday morning and it was CRAZY! Yugi vs. Marik with god cards and all going crazy. Yugi used the card Kaiba gave him to almost destroy Marik, but Marik stopped him in the nick of time. But then Yugi managed to get out Obelisk... o_o Such an intense battle, lol.

Anyway, enough typing. I'm off to go enjoy what little of my summer I have left. Next time you hear from me, school will have consumed my life again... =___=;
Now that I think of it, I guess this won't be a "summer diary" anymore, huh...? :/

Oh well. Anyway, this is DD, signing out!

Today's Music: Emerald Green by SEE SAW
August 9th, 2004
Hey all, this is DD reporting in from Joey's house!! B)

I haven't been here in months, lol. But we're havin' fun. Talkin' all kinds of shows and games. And we both got to watch Toonami when I got here! That was a ton of fun talkin' while we watched. xD

Sailor Moon had the new villain introduced causing trouble with a Tennis girl. This guy seems to put curses on objects. In the next ep he cursed the hat of a park janitor that made him control animals to attack construction workers. Anyway, it looks like Rei is starting to pick up on the one guy being Tuxedo Mask, and she's really crushing on him even though he's on college. Kinda weird, but I guess shows about girls normally have a lot of romance stuff like this too... o3o Even Usagi talks about boys she likes all the time. XD;
Naruto was really cool. All the teams gathered and prepped for the Chunin Exams. We learned a lot about the people there and stuff from a guy with some kewl cards, but Naruto being a blabbermouth got everyone's attention on them. XD; They ended up attacked by Sound Village ninjas... o_o; At the end of the ep the tough guy teacher came out... Next time, the tests begin. :O
DBZ Kai was cool, a lot of set up for getting to planet Namek now that they found a spaceship that'll work. ^_^
Watching all the shows with Joey made me ROFL because he always had some silly comments, and we kept laughing at Luna's crazy faces in Sailor Moon today... XD

Anyway, there's the Toonami reviews. Of course, I watched Yu-Gi-Oh last Saturday too! Yugi vs. Marik is finally happening. And it's a shadow game where the bodies of their originals are at stake... o_o The ep ended with Yugi getting out Slifer and Marik getting out Ra... Curious what'll happen in tomorrow's ep!

SO, Joey and I are chillin' now, he's watching me write this like a weirdo stop looking over my shoulder LOLrgdfdgdg
Anyway, guess I'll end it here for now, we're gonna go play some games.

OH! Real quick, he told me about a cool game series he started collecting called Dot Hack. It's a cool anime-ish game that takes place in a computer game. O_o He showed me a bit of it just a little while ago and it's super kewl. Apparently it has an anime on Cartoon Network at like 1AM on Fridays? WTF? I had no idea... Apparently the TV guide just calls it "Bracelet" so I had no idea it was even an anime... I never stay up that late anyway so yeah... XD;
It's so weird because CN doesn't usually show much anime outside of Toonami besides Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh reruns...

Anyway Joey's getting bored so gotta go now, BYE!!

Today's Music: Hardware Store by Weird Al... o_O
August 2nd, 2004
It's DD Friday again!

Girls are really loud... >_<;
But yeah my sister has a bunch of her friends over tonight for a sleepover. ^_^; I wanted to go to Joey's house tonight but his family prefered doing next weekend instead, so here I am having to listen to these loud girls...
I gave my sis some of my Toonami recordings so they can watch Sailor Moon tonight. THEY BETTER APPRECIATE IT!!

Erm, anyway... uh... o.o; OH YEAH, so I guess I should mention the usual stuff. Last Saturday's Yu-Gi-Oh was fun. Kaiba beat Joey of course, but it was a cool ep. Kaiba's uber raging over losing Battle City but decided to help Yugi anyway by giving him a card... I wonder what it is. :O Next week we FINALLY get to Yugi vs. Marik... It's taken a long time to get here, but it's finally time. @_@ This story ended up way longer than Duelist Kingdom... XD;

Anyway, today on Toonami we had a pair of Sailor Moon eps revolving around Jadeite. First was a cruise ship plan to get energy from couples, and then his last chance where he challenged the Sailor Guardians at an airport, but in the end he got pwned. Queen Beryl froze him up, and now a new minion will take over. o_o Meanwhile in Naruto a weird eyebrow kid with the voice of Davis from Digimon pwned Sasuke and made him mad. XD; Sasuke just gettin' shown up before the Chunin Exams I guess.
Later in DBZ Kai... Goku had Krillin let Vegeta go. o_o That's really surprising after all the damage he's caused. But I know Vegeta's rly popular from how the Tvtome peeps talk, so I'm not too surprised that he got away... I wonder when we'll see him again. :O Anyway, looks like they're gonna try to get to the planet Piccolo came from to find new Dragon Balls to wish their dead friends back to life! :D
(BTW, is it just me, or is Goku's wife kinda crazy...? o_o;; )

So that's that! I'm off to go chillax for the rest of the night. Was gonna play Metroid Prime, but it's a pretty quiet game and sis and her friends in the next room are too loud, it's hard to concentrate.... -_-; I'll probably just put CN Fridays on the TV and play something on the GBA. (BTW, does anyone else think Fridays is kinda lame? I miss Cartoon Cartoon Fridays... :/ Though really, I'm starting to watch anime more than CN's toons lately anyway... It's just been pretty boring with no new Ed Edd n Eddys. (though I still catch some reruns)

Anyway, have a good weekend!

Today's Music: Sonic Heroes B)
July 26th, 2004
Hello all, it's DD! ^_^

Pretty chill week this week. Not a lot going on...
I started replaying Metroid Prime on Gamecube. It's the only Metroid I've ever played, but it's super kewl. A lot of scary monsters and deep info from the scans. o_o I played it a lot last year, but it's pretty fun to go back to.
Speaking of Nintendo, I heard from Joey the other day that their next handheld system was actually shown off recently at some game event thingy. I heard a little bit about this a while ago, it's gonna be called Nintendo DS. But it has two screens so seems kinda weird. O_o How am I supposed to look at two screens to play a game...? @_@
Well, I hope they know what they're doing...
I think it's coming out this year?? We'll see... I might ask for it for X-mas...

So yeah, Saturday was the usual stuff. Yu-Gi-Oh was actually super cool, because Marik (in Tea's body) tried to stop Yami Marik. O_O It didn't work out though. Yami Marik is kinda mad at the Millenium Rod, because it probably has a connection with Kaiba since his past self used it. xD Meanwhile Joey vs. Kaiba duel was happening and OMG, Joey managed to Monster Reborn Blue-Eyes on to his field anduse it against Kaiba!! He was SO mad!! XDD
Ahh, fun times, that Yu-Gi-Oh...

Speaking of fun times, today's new Toonami eps!
Sailor Mars has joined the Party!! *insert FFVII fanfare here*
But really, those were a cool pair of Sailor Moon eps. The first involved a scheme to kidnap people on a bus to some alternate dimension to suh their energy, and the other was a theme park ep where a scary doll girl was going to suck away people's energy. o_o;
Queen Beryl seems to be getting tired of Jadeite's schemes failing though so I wonder how manymore chances he's gonna get... xD Also Rei (Sailor Mars) sure is giving a Usagi a run for her money on being the #1 Tuexdo Mask fan. She even noticed that Mr. Ruse Man is pretty clearly Tuxedo Mask. Well, it's not like she's sure yet anyway. :P
Naruto was more stuff preparing for the Chunin Exams. Iruka wasn't sure if his former students were ready so he staged a little test for each one disguised as a evil ninja guy. But they each resolved what he confronted them with, and now it looks like it's time for the exams. They are already playing tricks like disguising the floor of the building, and a lot of interesting new people are showing up too... :O
DBZ Kai was CRAZY!!! Krillin missed with the spirit bomb, but Gohan bounced it back and it hit Vegeta....! But he STILL isn't beaten. O_O;; After he notices Gohan's tail grew back, Yajirobe comes in again and slashed his back, distracting him long enough that Gohan saw the orb in the sky and became a giant ape again and REKT Vegeta... XD Vegeta did slice off the tail but the giant ape Gohan fell on him as he was changing back. Vegeta's so beaten up he can barely walk, so he calls his space pod and tries to escape, but Krillin grabs Yajirobe's sword and tries to stop him...! How could they end it there?! Dx
Well... I'm looking forward to next week. :P

So that's about it! On the phone the other day Joey was talking about maybe having me stay at his place sometime before Summer Break ends. Sounds like a good idea so we may do that. :O He has some games I don't so it'd be cool to try some new games. ^_^

Sayonara for now, amigos! :3

Today's Music: Chozo Ruins from Metroid Prime
July 19th, 2004
Hey everyone, today we're talking Toonami first because I'm ready to RAGE -___-

If you didn't already know, NARUTO SKIPPED AHEAD TO EPISODE 20!!!
Basically, it skipped the whole Land of Waves Saga we were just getting started on, WTF?!?1?! O_o
I heard the news just the other day and was SUPER mad. Apparently Cartoon Network is trying to push their new online video stuff, and launched their "Toonami Jetstream" beta today, with the 12 episodes they skipped on TV.... Yeah, right... >_>
I actually tried to watch, but my internet SUX and the vids load too slow. I might have to use the comps at the library to watch since they have better internet. @__@

I looked at other reactions from the Tvtome peeps and there was a big ole flamewar between the fansub watchers that already saw the eps in Japanese, LMAO. Some say it was a boring part of the show and the Chunin Exam Saga (which is what is gonna air now) is way better, while others defend the arc saying it's epic and stuff.
It was amusing to read, but as someone watching for the first time, it's just DUMB! -__-#

Anyway, enough with the rage for now. Toonami this week was otherwise pretty EPIC! The new lineup has Sailor Moon on twice, and both eps today were really cool! We met a NEW Sailor Guardian!! Sailor Mercury! She's a really smart school who was part of an afterschool thing that was being targeted by evil floppy discs (can you tell this show is old? XD ). But Sailor Moon and Luna came to the rescue and got Ami to transform into Sailor Mercury and become their friend. ^_^ In the second ep there were these popular cat clocks that were making everyone go crazy rushing and being impatient (a bus driver got CHOKED...! O_o) But Moon and Mercury took care of it in a weird time room. B)
In Naruto, as explained, it skipped ahead... Naruto & the gang are back in the village after the Land of Waves stuff and did more boring local missions and some wacky stuff with Konohamaru happened again, but then they ran into some sketchy people from another village. Later the hokage said to the team leaders that the Chunin Exam will start in a week. o_o Curious where it'll go from here.
DBZ Kai was more of the Vegeta fight. Goku got PWNED by monkey-Vegeta. When Krillin and Gohan got back, they distracted Vegeta enough that Yajiroby (the fat guy) managed to cut off his tail and turn him back to normal!! Gohan and Vegeta started fighting, and Goku gave Krillin the Spirit Bomb energy he built up. :O
Overall, fun stuff! As usual I'm looking forward to next time!

So, putting Toonami aside. Let's see... Saturday I watched the usual shows. In Yu-Gi-Oh they didn't actually start the Yugi vs. Marik duel because Joey picked a fight with Kaiba, ROFL. Joey got crush carded so he's basically screwed but we'll see how it goes. Anyway, later in the evening Joey (my friend, duh) came over and we FINALLY played Zelda Four Sword Adventures together!! It was SO cool! I do like the 3D Zeldas more but the sprite ones are fun too, and this one was realy good since we can play with friends! Techncally there are 4 Links, but with just the two of us we each controlled one while the other two followed. We managed to make it a good way in, to the Eastern Temple. The game was really kewl. ^_^

For dinner we went and got take-out (delicious KFC again!! :9 ) and we had fun chillin the whole night. Besdes Zelda we also played Smash Bros and Mario Party. Had a good time all around. B)
I also asked him about the recent Yu-Gi-Oh GBA games, like the one I saw at the store. And he says they're pretty cool. He played the Sacred Cards game where you have an original character and play through Battle City from the anime alongside Yugi and stuff. That sounds EPIC! :OO
Rechef of Destruction (the one i saw new at the store) is apparently a sequel. Apparently they're a lot like Pokemon but you duel instead. I HAVE to check them out sometime... I haven't played a GBA Yu-Gi-Oh since Eternal Duelist soul, which was epic. But there are a LOT of YGO games, I just wasn't paying attention... O_o

Anyway, guess that's all for now.
DD out! ^-^/

Today's Music: Wild Drive from JP Yu-Gi-Oh!
July 12th, 2004
Hello all, it's DD!

The other day I ended up tagging along with my sister to the library. She went there for some event going on with her friend from school. (they might be starting some kinda book club thing when school starts up again... O_o) I didn't bother with any of that and just kinda hung out at the library. Not much to do, I flipped through some of the Bailey School Kids books I used to read. Those books sure have some silly ideas. XD
BUT, that wasn't all. The BIG surprise was that I ran into a girl from my school there... O_O Obviously not gonna say her real name (duh!), but for the blog I'll say her name's Amy. (got it from the Sonic character. :P) Anyway I got to talk to Amy a bit while I was there. We have talked every now and then at school, but not much. I know she likes cartoons though, so I asked about stuff, and GUESS WHAT? She's watching Sailor Moon on Toonami! O_O I told her I'm watching it too and that it's super kewl! B) We talked about a few other shows too before she had to go. But wow, what an unexpected meeting... Weird how I keep running into people even though it's summer lol.

Speaking of TV though, Saturaday was the usual. Yugi and Kaiba's duel FINALLY ended in YGO. Yugi won obviously, but it was really cool. He fused Dark Magician and Buster Blader into Dark Paladin! I had no idea those two could fused, but that monster looked EPIC. o_o Def gonna have to ask Joey (irl friend) about finding a card of it. It'll probably be stupid rare though and hard to get in a pack... -__- Anyway in the YGO ep Joey (the character) woke up too! Which is crazy. Even though he got the Shadow Realm treatment, he managed to wake up. :O
Yugi vs. Marik is next... I can't believe it's finally here. I've been following this storyline for like over a year already. o_o;; Joey has shown me pics of future eps from the Japanese fusbber people, and I know the next main villain is some green haired dude. Curious what that'll all be about.
BTW, Fox Box stopped showing Kirby a couple of weeks ago, and now Winx Club is on at 10:30... I didn't wanna watch it, but my sis has been way into it. I guess something had to fill the void for her with Pokemon on WB still on reruns. -___-

Anyway, enough about Saturday stuff. It's Friday, so let's talk Toonami!
Today's Sailor Moon had Jadeite sending out a shapeshifting monster to take the place of a popular pop star girl, and use her to hypnotize a bunch of people into thinking they're famous so he could steal their energy. Just another one of those kinds of plots, but Sailor moon dealt with it as usual. :P Today's DBZ Kai's were EPIC! Goku vs. Vegeta... o_o It was an epic showdown, but Goku's Kaio Ken is wrecking his body, and then Vegeta transformed into a Great Ape just like Gohan before... It's the power of the Saiyan tails. @_@ Lastly in Naruto, they got to the Mist village, where they learned the full situation from the bridge guy. A really powerful ninja showed up, who Kakashi battled with his secret eye ability, the sharingin(sp?)... :O
The Toonami shows just keep impressing me. What a great way to relax every Friday afternoon... B) Cartoon Network's usual Cartoon Cartoons are good, but Toonami really is winning me over with its cool anime. I guess growing up with stuff like Pokemon really did get that taste for anime in my DNA, rofl!

So that's that! I talked with Joey the other day and it looks like he can come spend the night again tomorrow. We're finally gonna get to do Zelda together! B)

Til next week!!

Today's Music:Hyrule Field theme from OoT
July 5th, 2004
Hey all! DD here

Does anyone else think fireworks are pretty lame? -__- They're so loud and on 4th of July neighbors are setting them off all night. Kinda annoying. Had a lot of family visiting yesterday. It was more annoying than not. My one older cousin (too insignificant for me to even give a fake name to) made fun of me for having a Gamecube instead of an Xbox. How about, SHUT UP LOSER? D:< Halo is for loser preps. >_>
I had a few little cousins too but no one wanted to play Zelda Four Sword Adventures with me, so any game playing mainly ended up just being Mario Kart. :/

Meh, sorry for the ramblez. The holiday didn't turn out as fun as I thought. (but at least the grilled food was YUMMY :9)
Last week I watched the usual Saturday morning shows. The Yugi vs. Kaiba duel didn't finish this week, but that's because a lot of time was taken up by Joey's dream duel, which he ended up losing. :0 But his Red-Eyes helpd Yugi in a pinch with Kaiba and he's starting to wake up now! I watched Megaman NT Warrior again and this week it was about Magnetman switching people's money around on the net. Pretty interesting eps, lol.

Guess I should talk about Toonami now!
Sailor Moon might be miy favorite ep so far! It reminded me of why I thought this show was cool. XD Queen Beryl was gonna use a cursed song on a cassette tape to try and drain people's energy, but the tape ended up in the hands of this famous musician who was being chased by a monster lady. Like I said, VERY cool ep. In DBZ Kai, Goku FINALLY arrived, but too late to save Piccolo. Man, I didn't expect him to get taken out too... And he protected Gohan. ;___; Goku pwning Nappa was EPIC!! Meanwhile in Naruto, the gang is starting their first ninja mission guarding an old guy, but it seems some dangerous ninja are gonna be hunting them down... o_o;
Once again, Toonami is proving to have some of the most kewlest anime on TV. B)

So that's that! I talked to my pal Joey last week and he DID get to watch Toonami on TV last week. YATTA! :D He talked to his parents and looks like he can come over again sometime soon. We're definitely gonna play Zelda together! (though the single player has been interesting too)

BTW, when I went to the game store the other day, I noticed there's a lot of Yu-Gi-Oh games on the GBA, huh? I only have Eternal Duelist Soul, but... Maybe I should check the others? I saw another new one just came out called Rechef of Destruction or something. I'll have to ask Joey about them sometime.

Today's Music: EYES from Yu-Gi-Oh Japanese ver.
June 28th, 2004
Hello again everyone! DD here!

Pretty ordinary week for me... A few days ago I went to the store with my mom and happened to see Dexter!! (as usual, not his real name rofl) He's a buddy from school who's super smart and way into video games like me and Joey. We ended up chatting a bit while our parents did the shopping, and sounds like he's way into some Metal Gear Solid game on the Gamecube lately (idk anything about those games... ^_^;; ) I told him about my recent thinking on how idk what game I wanna get, and he pointed out something obvious.... Why get Megaman 4 Blue Moon when I haven't even finished the first 3 games...? -__- (tho I am borrowing Joey's game of the 1st one, Battle Network...)
I think I'm gonna get Zelda Four Sword Adventure after all... Sorry Joey!! I have played more of his Megaman this week and it is a cool game tho... Now that I have the hang of it and its weird battle chip fighting it's kinda fun. Story is neat. (jacking into an oven! OMGWTFBBQ!!)
Anyway, it was cool to see Dexter again. Even at school I only talked to him a little bit, and I felt like I should talk to him more. I asked for his phone number so I may call him sometime... o.o Gonna think about it.

ANYWAY, last Saturday there was more YGO and Megaman on TV. Yugi and Kaiba saw some vision of the past, then continued their duel some more, with Blue Eyes and Dark Magician coming out. I'm surprising their duel is going for another ep, but it's probably gonna finish tomorrow, right? Meanwhile in Megaman it was a some kinda racing ep. Did the animators play too much Mario Kart? XD
BTW, since my sis isn't watching the reruns of Pokemon, I've been watching the reruns of Sonic X on the Foxbox. I kinda miss this show... I know it has more eps in Japan so I hope new eps come out soon. I said this all the time back when the eps were first airing, but it's so cool to have a Sonic cartoon that was more cool and anime-like. (well, it IS an anime XD; ) It fits in good with the other Saturday morning anime. B)
Been watching Kirby too, as I think I've mentioned. It's a weird show but kind cute and funny too. (does King DDD remind anyone else of the Loony Toons rooster guy? ROFL)

Anyway, I just watched today's new Toonami shows so lemme go over those.
Today's Sailor Moon was about the villains using these weird pets to hypnotize and sap the energy of people. Don't use cute pets for evil!! D: Well, in the end Sailor Moon saved the day as usual, including helping her little bro, even though he confused her for Sailor V. :P DBZ Kai... Wow. o_o Feels like half the good guys just died. DON'T mess with Nappa. And the other guy Vegeta is supposed to be even stronger? Hopefully Goku can still save they day. They're waiting 3 hours for him to get there. .__.;; Meanwhile, Naruto was really cool this week... Kakashi pwns the main three and teaches them that his test was all about teamwork. He's about to fail them but gives them one last chance. After they try to sneak some food to Naruto they all pass! Now the ninja missions are gonna begin for real. :o

The Tvtome dudes are having a blast with these shows too, both oldtimers (who saw the 90's syndication versions / fansubber eps) and teh newer TV watchers (like me!). But the biggest complaint I see is that people wishing this were more than once a week, LOL! XD (same here, for realz) Sailor Moon peeps in particular say there are other Sailors that are gonna show up (like Sailor V) and they're all waiting for their favs. I've seen pics of the other girls (like the two others in the intro) so I'm curious when Usagi will get some teammates too. ^_^ The Naruto peeps say the show is gonna start getting epic from now on, since they're gonna be doing real ninja stuff... :O I'm omega hyped~~! B)
Gonna have to call Joey to see if he got the TV tonight to watch the eps, lol. (I taped them anyway)

So that's today's post! Tomorrow afternoon I'm finally gonna go get Zelda at the store. Next week a lot of family will be around for 4th of July, so maybe I can play it with some cousins or something maybe... :/

See you next week!

Today's Music: Megaman Battle Network Lan's House music.
June 21st, 2004
Another week, another update! It's DD here. ^_^

Last weekend was great!! Finally met up with Joey at the YGO tournament (I decided not to really play, and just watch him ^_^;; ) After that we went and got some KFC (delicious :9) and then headed home where I showed him my recorded tapes of ALL the Toonami shows so far! As expected, he's waaay into them, especially DBZ Kai! He's gonna try to get the TV on Fridays now but doesn't know if he can. :/ Joey also brought over a CD with some kewl files he found online on it. He showed me some of the Japanese intros to Yu-Gi-Oh! WOW!!! They're really different. o_o I think the song Warriors was the kewlest, but Overlap was EPIC!! (also WTF at the visuals, Japan is way ahead in eps so it looks like some crazy Egyptian stuff is happening in the show later. Do they even play the card game anymore??? o_o)
He visits a ton of YGO sites on the internet now and has been learning all the secrets and stuff about eps that haven't come out yet and Season 0 and stuff. He started buying teh manga (Japanese comics, but in English) a few months ago, and has been getting way into it, lol. He let me read some back at school too and it's CRAZY how different it is... Yami Yugi was like super evil and stuff. O_o Maybe I should try to get some of the manga too...

ANYWAY, we didn't just watch shows and vids. XD; We did a lot of video game stuff too, like playing some Mario Party 5, Smash Bros Melee, and Kirby Air Ride on Gamecube, and we chatted about other games and stuff. You know, the Zelda vs. Megaman debate I've been sitting on... Hes actually letting me borrow his game of the first "Battle Network" right now, and I did play it some this week. It's pretty cute. Really kewl. It has all the same characters from the show on KidsWB... It reminds me a lot of Pokemon. (no wonder they'd copy them with the two version game thing, rofl!)
I still dunno if I'll get Red Sun like he wants, tho... -___-

ANYWAY, before I met up with Joey I saw the Saturday morning shows as usual. Yu-Gi-Oh was more of the Yugi vs. Kaiba duel... In my last post I thought I was clever, thinking this next ep would start with the Egyptian Gods taking eachother out thanks to Yugi's Pot of Greed, but really a whole bunch of other moves were made, and basically the whole ep was a big back and forth of Slifer's power going up and down. It's super crazy to see the god cards both facing off... XD
BUT, the funniest thing is, the ep actually ended with an equal attack point clash ANYWAY, just like I predicted! It just took way longer to get there, lmao. Curious to see what'll happen next week. I saw Megaman again too, and they fought some Planet guy. :P

Anyway, that's what I've been doin'. I've been surfin' the net a lot lately too, mainly TVTome... I changed my username there to DD like it is here. (it'll be weird if anyone there finds this diary but oh well LOL). Also b/c I'm so bored lately I've been thinkin back to what I did last summer, and remembered I haven't played Toon Town in a long time... So I started running around in there a bit. @_@

Anyway, enough about that, let's talk about today's new Toonami eps!
Sailor Moon's ep was one of those kinds of eps about weight loss and stuff, with the villains tricking people with a gym where they steal their energy again. It was a silly plot that feels kinda dated like something from Power Rangers... But it was still interesting I guess. :V In DBZ Kai a lot of time passed and everybody finished up their training, and the two Saiyans finally arrived! :O And lastly in Naruto, it seems the trio have one last test to get through from Kakashi, who is testing them to grab some bells from him. This ep mainly had Naruto trying to get one of the bells on his own, but he got pwned by Kakashi. (in one really weird way too... O_o) At the end of the ep Sasuke shot out some ninja stars and looked like he got him, but we'll see next ep. :)

Guess I don't have much to say this week... XD I'm starting to get into the groove of these shows. They're all fun and kewl in their own way. B)

So that's all for today, folks!
Til next time! DD out! ^_^

Today's Music: "Warriors" from JP Yu-Gi-Oh! B)
June 14th, 2004
Update 4 already. Has it really been 4 weeks? @_@

I beat Wind Waker again the other day! A lot of fun as usual, and the final boss is always super EPIC! B) I guess that's all there is to say about that. XD So I've been doing more Sonic Heroes! Does anyone else think the levels in this game are REALLY long? O_o I'm doing Team Dark and the levels go on 4EVER! :/ It's also really hard, but I've never been that good at Sonic so it's w/e, rofl.

TV has been kewl as usual. Last week's Yu-Gi-Oh continued Yugi and Kaiba's duel. The god cards finally came out at the end!! Slifer vs. Obelisk!! They left off on a cliffhanger, but I kinda see how the next ep is gonna go, since Yugi put that Pot of Greed face down... If he flips it on Obelisk's attack and increases his hand to four... well, if you know, you know. XDD

Talked on the phone with Joey again earlier this week, and we're FINALLY gonna meet up tomorrow!! He's gonna be spending the night so we're gonna PARTAY all Saturday! We're gonna meet up at the Yu-Gi-Oh day at Books-a-million and then he'll come over to my house after. Man, we'll probably be there a bit playing Yu-Gi-Oh with the other kids... I'm so bad at it though. I haven't even gotten packs in a while, so I'm gonna get pwned if I try to play with those older nerds... -___-
But ANYWAY, I got these last few weeks of Toonami all taped and I'm definitely gonna show him! He NEEDS to finally see all this kewl new anime!! (his family won't let him have the TV on Friday so he's gonna be depending a lot on my tapes -_-;; )

Anyway, guess I should talk about today's new Toonamis. :P
This week's Sailor Moon is definitely my fav so far!! The villains were using a fake radio show to get the energy from all the girls who listened by sending them some ebil flowers o_o; Usagi got this new transformation pen to sneak in as a radio lady and deal with it!! :O It was the first time she came face to face with the big main villain servant (Jadeite), and he's actually pretty strong and can stop her boomerang attack. Tuxedo Mask stopped him for now, but I doubt it's the last we'll see of him, heehee. BTW, speaking of this Tuxedo guy, I'm pretty sure he's that smart alek guy Usagi keeps bumping into right? It'll be awkward if they ever find out who they are... XD Though, Usagi basically doesn't look different as Sailor Moon, so maybe he already knows... (EDIT: after skimming what the Tvtome people are saying, he doesn't know yet. Hmm.....)

DBZ Kai was wild training stuff, and a lot of new (??) characters. The Tvtome people started putting together a FAQ thread to fill people in on stuff, and I basically figured out all these new people were from the old Dragon Ball. I basically get the idea, but it's weird that they never did an English version of the old Dragon Ball. (apparently the beginning ran on syndacation in the early 90's? But not many saw before DBZ happened)
I will say it jumped forward in time a lot, since Gohan's gone full Tarzan now (BTW WTF was that big monkey transformation...?. Guess destroying the moon dealt with it tho. o_o; ) And Goku reached the end of Snake Way and has to train with a weird joke man...

Naruto was wacky! XD We got to see more of the classmates who became ninjas but Naruto basically spent the ep trying to mess with le popular boy Sasuke (COOL dude compared to these other kids BTW) because Sakura the girl he likes only cares about him. It got REALLY silly when Naruto transformed into Sasuke but had to keep going to the bathroom thanks to expired milk... XD;; (I did NOT expect potty humor in a show like this, but at least it wasn't that gross... O_o)

So that was all fun, rofl. Super excited to finally show these shows to Joey with my tapes this weekend. That reminds me, we gotta finally decide on game stuff!! I mentioned it last week, but he really wants me to get Megaman Red Sun (he's getting the Blue Moon game), but I wanna get Zelda Four Sword Adventure so we can play on the TV.... -__- Mom said I can only get one game this month, and I can't decide because Joey has to get his Megaman in my face!!

That REMINDS me, I actually saw the newest Megaman on Kids WB last week after Yu-Gi-Oh. It used to be on before Yu-Gi-Oh last month, but my sister always wanted to watch Kirby instead so I never saw it, rofl. (that reminds me, my sister was RAGING at Pokemon going back to reruns. XD welcome to TV land, sis. We drown in reruns. roflcopter!)
Anyway, I did see some of this Megaman NT Warrior show back when it first came out, so I got the basics (guy has a little computer program friend Megaman who battles bad viruses) but I'm definitely lost on what's going on overall. But the ep was neat I guess... A virus named Freezeman was making the city freeze and stuff through these new electric penguin things everyone was buying, til he got beat. :O

Anyway, I just dunno... Zelda or Megaman...? >_<
(BTW, Nintendo should make a Zelda anime!! They already did Kirby after all...)

That's all for this week. L8r sk8rs!!
DD out! B)

Today's Music: Power Plant from Sonci Heroes!!
June 7th, 2004
Week 3 is here!
Is it me, or is it already way too hot this summer? -___- I've been cooped up at home all week and haven't done much. I'm nearing the end of my Wind Waker replay and have been playing other games too inbetween (Sonic Heroes is epic!) B)

I talked to Joey (my irl buddy) on the phone the other day about last week's new Yu-Gi-Oh eps... JOEY (the character) DESERVED BETTER! Like... it was a crazy ep, but he really almost beat Marik. I guess I shouldn't say too much, if the people readin' aren't keeping up with the newest eps and don't want spoilerz, but man... What a cool duel. And all the stuff after was so sad... ;_; But now Yugi and Kaiba have started their duel, and it's already crazy! (Enemy Controller and all the card swapping back and forth was so silly, rofl. Kaiba's desperate. XD )
Speaking of which, it was so dumb I had to wake up extra early on Saturday just to watch YGO. >:( The new eps were at 8 instead of 11 because of some dumb thing they were showing later... -__- Oh well, being up that early meant I got to see Shaman King on the FoxBox for once. That show has always looked cool but I never got to see it much at first because it was always on at the same time as Pokemon Advanced (my lil sis would DESTROY me if I made her miss an ep -_-), and now it's usually on really early when I wanna sleep... :/ Still, lately I've gotten to see it sometimes, but since I miss a lot of eps there's a lot I don't know, lol. I think it's on reruns right now anyway so whatevs.
Anyway, YGO is back at 11 tomorrow morning (make up your mind WB!), so I'll be able to sleep in like usual. ^_^

BUT ANYWAY, you aren't here for my Saturday morning ramblez, you're here for TOONAMI! And oh boy, these three shows continue to be winners!

I will say, today's Sailor Moon and Naruto had some, UH.... NAUGHTY moments??? o///o I can't BELIEVE Cartoon Network got away with airing some of this in the middle of the afternoon! In SM, all these dudes were getting hypnotized by a fortune teller and causing trouble! During this, Umeno flipped up the teacher's skirt, and it totally showed her underwear!!! O_O I think I went "OMG!" out loud! XD
Plus in Naruto, Naruto went around with this super important kid trying to teach him the Sexy Jutsu. At one point they even went to look at naughty magazines!! (reminded me of the Ed Edd n Eddy where Eddy flipped out about hiding his secret magazines, lmao) And don't even get my started about when Naruto combined the Sexy and Clone jutsus... >///<

On the other side of things Dragon Ball Z Kai was all action... So much that, uh, the main character died... In Episode 3??? O_O I skimmed the Tvtome thread and several people weren't surprised (a lot of them saw the syndicated version in the 90's, plus the people who looked at the fansubber stuff). But apparently the beam going through Goku was censored back in the old eng version of Z, and everyone was surprised it was kept. Actually a lot of the replies on Tvtome have people being surprised that the Toonami shows have basically been uncut besides making the intros and stuff shorter. :O

But just watching the shows, I can tell this is kinda true... This block is really taking a shot at the Saturday morning block animes that I hear always censor a lot of stuff out that was in the JP versions... We might be entering a new era of anime on TV, guys... :D

BTW, Naruto's intro is super kewl!
I wanna Rocks!!! B)

Anyway, that's all for those shows I guess. I saw lotsa commercials for Zelda Four Swords Adventures, which is coming out next week I think. I don't think I'll be able to get it right away. I also gotta get link cables for my GBA to do the cool features in it. Joey thinks it looks kinda lame but idk, it could be fun!! I gotta invite him over once I get it so we can both play it.
Speaking of GBA Joey's been goin on about the Megaman games again, there's some new ones coming in a few weeks that are being released in a two-version way like Pokemon, with a Red Sun game and Blue Moon game. (Think they're clever, huh? XD)
I've never played them before but he keeps telling me they're kewl stuff. I saw a kid at school playing one of them one time like a year ago, but it looks kinda weird. They fight on some grid thingy. O_o
Anyway, I can't get that AND Zelda from the store this month, but Joey's begging me to get the one he isn't so we can trade... It's Pokemon all over again!!
I just really like Zelda, man... Even if it's a sprite side game I wanna trying playing the Four Swords Adventure with him. :/

Anyway, I've done enough ramblez today, so I should end this here.

Til next time! DD signing out. ^_^

Today's Music: Dragon Roost Island from Wind Waker
May 31st, 2004
It's new posting time!! :D
I'm DD back with more rambles, lmao. Wow, I'm starting to feel like a real "blogger" or whatever now... (Joey said I should just start a livejournal but nah, making my own website is way more fun! -_-)

Man, it's already been a week since summer break started... I've been lazing around at home everyday. xD;
I decided to start a new playthrough of Legend of Zelda the Wind Waker! I'm just in a Zelda mood lately. :)
I heard that a new Gamecube Zelda is coming out soon called Four Sword Adventures. it's apparently a 2D sprite Zelda though, which is weird that it's on Gamecube and not GBA... :/
Anyway, it can apparently do multiplayer so if I get it later I'll probably call Joey over and we can both play it.
SPEAKING OF WHICH, I went to the party for Joey's sister and we went to see Shrek 2. It was okay... Like I said last week, I got kinda tired of Shrek, but at least this is a new movie. It's whatever. The stuff on TV is way more fun...

SPEAKING OF WHICH... I should get on to the main attraction!!

WOW... This new Toonami thing is way cool!!!
The way the bumpers have this cool TOM robot in this spaceship that he plays the shows from is really pretty unique.
As for the shows, WOW!! I'm impressed... Maybe I'm just used to a lot of edited for TV stuff, but they got away with a lot, and even showed some of the Japanese theme songs!

Sailor Moon was cool. I wasn't sure what to think for a bit. It's very girly (of course), and had that silly stuff about shopping and jewelry, but once the moon cat gave Usagi her powers and she went and fought the monster lady, it was really neat! It actually reminds me of Cardcaptors in a lot of ways. I feel like there's a lot of mystery (that sunglasses guy has to be the Tuxedo guy, right?), and the villains are cool and also mysterious. I'll enjoy keeping up with it! I see a lot of pictures of 5 sailor girls around the net, but the intro only had 3 of them, hmm...

As for DBZ Kai, that was a lot! I did remember reading from the anime peeps on Tvtome that there is a series before it just called Dragon Ball, but apparently Z is the more popular thing over here... (both the old 90's version, and this Kai version). Still, I think I was able to follow along well enough. Goku's gotta team up with his arch enemy Picollo to beat Goku's alien brother Raditz who's trying to kill everyone on the Earth to sell it.... O_O;;
The two eps were really cool, and I'm excited to see how the battle goes next time...

Naruto was also very cool with its whole ninja school thing! Naruto himself is such a little prankster though. (Sexy jutsu, wtf!! o///o) Still, poor kid though, he was being ignored all his life because of the giant fox that got sealed in him as a baby. :( Iruka Sensei is such a cool guy man... He's strict but really stood by Naruto. I'm curious to see where things go from here now that Naruto got the headband and is gonna be a ninja!

Overall I'm super impressed by Toonami!! A lot of the anime peeps have been hyping these shows up for a long time, so it's cool they get to be on TV together! I guess you can consider me a fan, lol. Spending tte summer following these shows sounds like a good plan after all. xD

So with that being said, I figured I'd tweak my site a bit and make an episode guide!! (I got the descriptions from the TV guide, lmao.) Also yes, I could cheat and look up the ep names from the JP version (or the 90's version in the case of Sailor Moon and DBZ) like the guys on Tvtome do, but this is MY website, and I say details of the New American Broadcast only!! It's how I'm watching it after all! I don't want too many spoilerz anyway. :P

You know, Joey and I actually used to write up episode lists and guides like this too when we first got into Yu-Gi-Oh!, it was a lot of fun! :)
Speaking of Yu-Gi-Oh!, there's two new eps again tomorrow morning, but last Saturday was CRAZY!! Joey (the YGO character not my friend rofl) is dueling Yami Marik, who just whipped out the Winged Dragon of Ra Phoenix Mode! O_O And I thought the ball thing was weird, lol. That card has way too many special abilities. XD So anyway I always wanna root for Joey, but man I feel like it's gotta come down to Yami Yugi vs. Yami Marik at the end so idk... It's a Shadow Game too, so I hope Joey doesn't end up like Mai did... :( Anyway, I look forward to seeing how it ends tomorrow!!

So anyway, this has become a loooong post. (last week's is now moved to the archive BTW!) So I'm gonna end it here for now. Probably gonna go shower then play a little more Wind Waker before bed. (the Forest Haven dungeon is kinda annoying rofl)

This is DD signing out! :)

Today's Music: Moonlight Legend from Sailor Moon... ;)
May 24th, 2004
My first ever entry on my summer diary... man what do I even say? XD

My mom has been bugging be sooo much to do something productive this summer, so I said I'll manage a blog thingy. She had no idea what I was talking about, but when I said it's like a summer journal she seemd satisfied... -_-

So uh... I'm DD (pronounced Double Dee! Like the EEE character!!). I really like watching cartoons on TV, especially action shows and anime stuff. So guess what, I only really learned ABOUT anime a year or two ago from my good buddy Joey who started going nuts when he found out there were Yu-Gi-Oh episodes out in Japan that haven't been on KidsWB yet. XD
But knowing about anime now has been cool, especially since I grew up watching stuff like Pokemon and Digimon... That stuff always seemed different, and I can kinda see it now.

SO, why am I talking about anime? Lemme tell ya. So there I was watching Cartoon Network when there's this commercial for a new block starting next week called Toonami. It has three shows on its lineup thats got people over on tvtome going bananas! (Tvtome's a website I look at that has a bunch of TV nerds on it, rofl!)

So apparently it's Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball Z Kai, and Naruto. I looked up a bit about them on Tvtome. Sailor Moon aired in the 90's. I was too little but I doubt I really saw it... It was syndacation so it wasn't on the regular channels like Cartoon Network or KidsWB. BUT, what Toonami is apparently gonna show is a new version done by Viz Communications (the people that did the Pokemon VHS tapes), and it's gonna be super faithful to the JP ver. (unlike the old one, and other shows that try to make things more "American" lol)
Dragon Ball Z Kai is like, a digipaint remake of a similar older show, and got really popular when people were making fansubs of it the past couple of years... (hardcore anime nerd stuff, idk) Same with Naruto. The anime people went nuts when it was suddenly announced that would be airing on Cartoon Network lol. Viz is doing that show too btw.
DBZK is a different company, it's the same people who did a syndication version in the 90's, but just like Sailor Moon this is a new version, but this one is a digipaint remake or w/e. (I barely even know what digipaint is, I'm just saying what the anime nerds have said! lol) The old show (just called Dragon Ball Z) got kinda popular when it aired, but it apparently never finished, so a lot of the watchers back then got burned. A lot of people started doing the fansub thing to see what happened next, and then when the digipaint Kai version came out in Japan even more started doing that. XD

Anyway, I think they look cool. I never saw the old versions (or watched any fansub things), but they look like cool shows, and if the Tvtome peeps are hyping it up I'll definitely watch. It's gonna air every Friday so I figure it'll give me something to talk about since I'm just gonna be chillin at home all summer, lmao. I might mention other shows too if I feel like it (YGO's getting crazy! :O ).

Joey sounded excited too but his family likes to use the TV a lot on Friday so he may not get to watch... I better ask for some blank tapes and record the shows so we can watch what he missed. I'll probably see him a lot this summer. XD
(Joey isn't his real name BTW. I use fake names on here, so I call him Joey after the YGO character, since he's way into YGO!)

Anyway, that's enough about TV for now... Today was the last day of school, and oh man am I glad to be done with that. -_- Some of my teachers were cool but man are these classes boooring. School is just kinda dumb in general, don't you think? They always go on about school pride yadda yadda, but I just don't care... :/ "Let's go Deers!" WHY is the school mascot a deer? People look so silly wearing those antler things, lol.
I can keep ranting, but I'll stop. School is done, it's behind us... Middle school is so weird. -_-
YAY summer vacation!!

oh yeah, Joey's little sister is graduating elementary school so they're throwing a party for her next week. I'll probably go, but I heard they're gonna go see Shrek 2. Ugh, I'm kinda sick of Shrek... The first movie was on TV all the time, and when they started showing it at school on movie day I was so over it, rofl.
I mean it's fine, I guess. It's not a BAD movie. Well, whatever...

This diary is going on a little long, so I'll end it here. I'll be talking about the new Cartoon Network anime next week!
Tune in next time!!! ^_^

Signed, DD

Today's Music: 2BA Master by Pokemon peeps... B-)
